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Efectos del entrenamiento de vibraciones en la población mayor

  • Autores: Fernanda Santín-Medeiros
  • Directores de la Tesis: Alejandro Santos-Lozano (dir. tes.), Nuria Garatachea Vallejo (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad de León ( España ) en 2015
  • Idioma: español
  • Número de páginas: 150
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Effects of whole body vibration training in older people
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Pedro J. Marín (presid.), Pilar Sánchez Collado (secret.), Marco Malagutti (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: BULERIA
  • Resumen
    • español

      La presente tesis pretende determinar los efectos del entrenamiento vibratorio (EV) sobre el sistema musculoesquelético y sobre la condición física en mujeres mayores y establecer si puede considerarse un método adecuado para mantener un nivel ideal de condición física. En tres fases se estudiaron las adaptaciones neuromusculares agudas causadas por el entrenamiento vibratorio en la musculatura del tren inferior y del tren superior, se determinaron los cambios producidos en la masa muscular del cuádriceps femoral y la capacidad funcional a lo largo de 8 meses y se evaluó el impacto de 8 meses de entrenamiento vibratorio sobre la densidad mineral ósea (DMO). Los resultados mostraron que el entrenamiento vibratorio aumentó la actividad eléctrica muscular tanto en los miembros superiores como en los inferiores del cuerpo en personas mayores sanas. Por otro lado, una frecuencia de dos veces por semana no fue suficiente para aumentar de forma significativa el área de la sección transversal del cuádriceps pero sí para evitar su disminución.

    • English

      The great challenge of our society is to maintenance a healthy aging with a high quality of life. Therefore, the loss of muscle and bone mass, along with the decreasing in physical condition is a major public health aspect, as well as an economic problem, due to its impact on the National Health System. There is growing interest in finding and defining new physical training methods to maintain an ideal fitness level in the population. Currently there are several alternatives, one of which is the training of vibration or vibration training (EV), a method that has spread in nursing homes and gyms over the last years. For health professionals is essential to know the effects of this method in the population.

      The main objective of the work performed during the research phase was to determine the effects of EV on the muscular system, on bone mass and on physical fitness in older women. For that three stages were defined: i) study of acute neuromuscular adaptations caused by EV on the muscles of the lower body and upper body of elderly during isometric muscle contractions; checking and modifying the neuromuscular response in older people using straps or clamps for the top and various support surfaces train during a vibratory stimulus; ii) determining changes in the quadriceps femoris muscle mass and functional capacity of older women after 8 months of EV and iii) assessing the impact of these eight months of EV on bone mineral density (BMD).

      The main results of the PhD dissertation suggested that:

      • The EV increased the muscle activity in both upper limbs and lower limbs in healthy older adults. Moreover, the accessories used to modify the vibratory stimulus, such as hand straps anchored to the platform or mat surface, can be used to modify the intensity of exercise.

      • Although the use of the EV (twice a week for 8 months) in older women did not increase the area quadriceps cross section (AST), the EV seemed to prevent the loss of quadriceps AST showed by the older women in the control group.

      • The EV intervention program failed to improve the overall functional capacity in older women compared with the control group.

      • The EV 8 months of intervention was not sufficient enough stimulus to produce significant changes in the BMD of the hip of older women.

      Overall, the results showed that 8 months of EV intervention was not sufficient enough stimulus to produce significant changes in the BMD of the hip of older women or in her functional capacity. However, the stimulus prevented the loss of AST in older women quadriceps compared to the control group.

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