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Resumen de Análisis en población obesa mórbida de los cambios en cuanto a hábitos alimentarios, personalidad, malestar psicológico y calidad de vida tras la cirugía bariátrica y la asociación con la pérdida de peso postcirugía

María Suárez Gómez

  • Introduction: Morbid obesity is a public health problem which has increased in prevalence in recent years. Its etiology is multifactorial and it requires a multidisciplinary approach. Methods: the sample consisted of 262 patients between 2005 and 2014. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were described; the current situation of the patients and their degree of satisfaction with the assistential process. Results: The sample (187 females and 75 males) had an average age of 42.2 years, were married(61.5%), had primary studies in most cases (72.1%) and were actively working (54.6%), with affective symptoms, hypertension. Onset of obesity was mainly during infancy. Family histories, tendency to thinness and body dissatisfaction, depression, somatization, obsessive, narcissistic and limits features were found. Mean Body Mass Index decreased after surgery, 14.4 kg / m2. Operated, scored lower in interpersonal distrust (p <0.05), regulation of impulsivity (p <0.05); physical health (p <0.05); and obsessive traits (p <0.01). Family support, quality of life, satisfaction, eating behavior, mood, anxiety, and cardiovascular risk in surgery occurred more (p <0.05). Patients abandoned follow-up, scored higher in bulimia (p <0.05), body dissatisfaction (p <0.01), asceticism (p <0.05), maturity fears (p <0.01), schizotypal traits (p = 0.001), histrionic (p <0.05), narcissistic (p <0.05) and avoidant (p <0.01). More patients follow-up improved physically and psychologically (p <0.05). Operated, decreased on tendency to thinness (p <0.05), quality of life, depressive features (p <0.05) and body dissatisfaction (p <0.001). Conclusions: bariatric surgery directed towards an improved quality of life. The multidisciplinary work secure the success of this process.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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