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Resumen de Análisis de la aportación energética de un Atrio conectado de forma activa con el sistema de climatización de un edificio

Roberto Getino de la Mano

  • español

    La presente tesis doctoral valida una solución de arquitectura bioclimática y de alta eficiencia energética como es la integración de un �Atrio� con el sistema de climatización de un edificio para alcanzar los retos marcados, de reducir el consumo energético de los edificios en un 20%, maximizando así la eficiencia energética de los edificios y contribuyendo a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, mitigando el cambio climático. Fueron analizados los datos recogidos durante un año de las diferentes variables térmicas en un Atrio construido en un edificio real cuyo diseño y construcción se pensó para su integración con el sistema convencional de climatización. Queda demostrado que la incorporación de un "Atrio", conectado de forma activa al sistema de climatización del edificio, contribuye de forma importante a reducir el consumo energético de los edificios, calculando que este ahorro energético de media es del 19,62%. Asimismo se constata que en el edificio estudiado y que ha servido de "laboratorio", donde la demanda energética es mayor para calefacción que para refrigeración, el ahorro energético que se genera en calefacción representa el 92% del total del ahorro, esto es el 18,07%, frente a sólo el 8% en refrigeración, esto es, el 1,55%.

  • English

    Energy consumption in buildings has been increased significantly mainly due to the improvement of living standards of people It is currently not possible to build a building without being dowry of heating systems and, if necessary, cooling. But these HVAC systems consume electricity and fossil fuels.

    Energy consumption involves the issuance of greenhouse gases that involve known how harmful effects on the climate on earth, is known climate change.

    The concern is greatest, as the pace of change we are experiencing, in 50 years, the land can undergo major changes that will affect the lives of people, causing effects in some cases, devastating, making even in some areas land is not possible habitability.

    We all realize the increased temperature, increased rainfall, increased sea levels, etc ..

    The Kyoto Protocol, has marked a turning point in the climate change, through which States have pledged to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

    The European authorities aware of this problem, have developed programs, strategies and directives, which require Member countries of the EU, in 2020, has reduced energy consumption by 20%, to Reducción del consumo energético en los edificios por efecto de un Atrio 6 which energy is generated electricity from renewable systems by 20% and CO2 emissions are reduced by 20%, based on 1990.

    Seen the problem, and views its obligations, this research "appears", offering a "valid and viable solution" to apply to the buildings and allowed to contribute in a very important way to achieve the objectives set to reduce energy consumption 20% if applied correctly.

    An "Atrium" is a free zone inside the buildings, formerly a "noble", "symbolic", "gathering", and now, if you connect actively to conventional air conditioning systems area becomes also a major source of free energy The work presented in this Thesis, precisely demonstrates the important benefits that you have to build an "Atrium" in a building to work connected to conventional air conditioning system, with a valid and viable technical solution, and economically to reduce up to 20% the energy consumption of buildings.

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