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Los pináculos de la Sagrada Familia: restauración y obra nueva

  • Autores: Júlia Gómez Ramió
  • Directores de la Tesis: Sergio H. Pialarissi Cavalaro (dir. tes.), Antonio Aguado de Cea (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2015
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Jaume Avellaneda Díaz-Grande (presid.), Joan Lluís Zamora i Mestre (secret.), Ignacio Segura Pérez (voc.), José Tomás San José Lombera (voc.), Luis Segura Castillo (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • Antoni Gaudí developed, for the pinnacles ofthe Sagrada Famí!ia, a unique constructive solution with precast concrete elements which were slightlyreinforced and covered with a trencadís ofMurano glass (Venice). In the continuation ofthe work until the present da y, the system des igned bythe architect was kept for the construction ofthe other pinnac!es ofthe basílica. During the !ast years, a greater deterioration and !oosening oftrencadís pieces at the pinnac!es ofthe !ast stages was detected (e.g.: Pass ion Fayade) and a!so a reduced service !ife compared to those ofGaudí's time (1915-1930) was observed. Therefore, a!! these structures were cave red with a safety mesh in orderto avoid resu!ting risks for visitors and workers. The main purpose ofthe Doctoral Thesis was to determine the origin ofthe problem, and !aterto prevent recurren ce, with the revision and optimization ofthe materia!s and procedures which were applied during the restoration and construction of these precast elements. During the investigation, the problem was globa!!y analyzed and its chemical causes were considered, a process which was carried outwith an analysis ofsamples byXRD, DTA-TGAand SEM, as well as through physical-mechanical effects, bydeformation incompatibility among the materials. In addition, because ofthe singularity of these coatings at great height, more detailed studies about durabilitywere carried out, and these elements underwent differenttypes ofaccelerated aging cycles (thermal shock, weVdryprocess, frosVthaw process and resistance to crysta!lization of salts) in arder to ensure the efficiency ofthe developed materials. For the control and m onitoring ofthe materials in this study, different non-destructive testing techniques were used (ultrasound, acoustic impact and thermographic pictures), which in addition were evaluated for a possible use during future inspections in the work. The mortar pieces and procedures proposed, as a resultofthe Doctoral Thesis, are now used in the restoration ofthe pinnacles ofthe Sagrada Fa m ília. Additionally, the new precast pieces are being manufactured forthe future pinnacles ofthe basílica with the micro-concrete with plastic fibers that has been developed.

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