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Resumen de Numerical and experimental investigations on pseudo-2D gas fluidized beds

Fernando Hernández Jiménez

  • This dissertation is divided into seven chapters that study, numerically and experimentally, uidized beds of small thickness, i.e., pseudo two-dimensional (2D) gas fluidized beds. These types of fluidized beds are crucial for the understanding of the dynamics of gas-particle systems. In this regard, pseudo-2D fluidized bed systems typically have a transparent wall, to allow optical access to the system, and the volume of the bed possesses a small thickness to ensure that the visualisation is representative of the whole system. Additionally, the front and the rear walls restrict the motion of the solids, leading to different flow behaviour compared to fully three-dimensional (3D) systems. Therefore, a correct interpretation of the observations and numerical simulations of pseudo-2D beds is crucial for the understanding of the fluidization physics and the scale-up of the results to other types of beds (.....) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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