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Resumen de Extending the applicability of deterministic multithreading

Vesna Nowack

  • With the increased number of cores on a single processor chip, an application can achieve good performance if it splits the execution into multiple threads that run on multiple cores at the same time. To synchronize threads, Transactional Memory (TM) allows them to concurrently execute sections of code (transactions) with accesses to shared memory, and requires reexecution of one of the transactions in case of a conflicting access. Even though parallel programming with TM is simpler and less error-prone than with the traditional locking mechanism, concurrent programming errors are hard to avoid in general. The reason is that threads run in parallel and might interleave in a nondeterministic order. As a consequence, an error can occur in one execution but be hidden in another (which makes debugging hard), and the application output might vary (which makes testing and replica-based fault tolerance hard). To help programmers in testing, debugging and providing fault tolerance, researchers have proposed deterministic multithreading, which guarantees that application threads access shared memory in the same order and the application gives the same output whenever it runs with the same input parameters. In this thesis we present DeTrans, a system for deterministic multithreading in transactional applications. DeTrans ensures determinism even in the presence of data races, by executing non-transactional code serially and transactions in parallel. We compare DeTrans with Dthreads, a widely-used deterministic system for lock-based applications, and analyse sources of the overhead caused by deterministic execution. Instead of using memory protection hardware and operating system facilities, DeTrans exploits properties of TM implemented in software and outperforms Dthreads. To allow transactions to invoke standard library functions while running deterministically and to increase parallelism, this thesis proposes TM-dietlibc, a TM-aware standard library. Our experience in modifying a lock-based standard library in order to integrate it in a TM system is applicable for any TM-aware software. TM-dietlibc provides concurrent execution of standard library functions and only in a few cases the execution switches to serial. In comparison to completely serialized execution, TM-dietlibc shows high scalability and performance improvement for benchmarks with short transactions and low contention. Serialization of transactions - which is still required for transactions in TM-dietlibc with non-reversible side effects - might enforce an order of threads execution different from the one enforced by a deterministic system, causing a deadlock. By porting deterministic system DeTrans in TM-dietlibc, we ensure deterministic multithreading at application and standardlibrary level, and avoid deadlocks by serializing transactions in deterministic order. In this thesis we also discuss a common limitation of deterministic systems - ad hoc synchronization. Ad hoc synchronization is in general widely used, but similarly to transaction serialization, it might be prone to deadlocks during deterministic execution. We use hardware performance counters to identify synchronization loops at runtime and to avoid deadlocks by dynamically (but deterministically) changing the order of threads execution.

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