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Resumen de Determinación de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y comportamientos para la práctica de actividad física y el consumo de frutas y verduras en trabajadores de una empresa privada Ecuatoriana en el 2006

Patricia Eugenia Mogrovejo Jaramillo

  • Introductio: Cardiovascular Risk Factors (CVRF) prevalence is unknown in Ecuadorian workers. Objetives:1.To estimate the prevalence of CVRF: overweight, obesity, physical inactivity, high blood pressure (HBP), central obesity, dyslipidemia history, tobacco use, alcohol and low Fruit (F) and Vegetable (V) intake. 2.To establish the relationship between obesity, overweight with central obesity with age, sex, marital status and education. 3.To determine the relationship between obesity with other CVRF. 4.To establish the association between central obesity with age, sex, marital status, and level of education. 6.To find out the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) with Physical Activity (PA) levels and PA autoefficacy. 7.To explore PA and F/V intake behaviors. 8.To determine the relationship between PAs Stages of Change (SOC) with PA levels and PA autoefficacy. 9.To determine the relationship between BMI with PA SOC and SOC F/V (action and maintenance). 10.To determine the relationship between SOC action and maintenance PA and F/V consumption with sex, age, marital status and education in workers from Ecuadorian private enterprise in 2006. Materials/ methods: transversal study. Through a medical story the following information is collected 1.Sociodemographic factors, hypertension and dyslipidemia stories, tobacco and alcohol use; 2.Anthropometry: waist circunference, waist/hip ratio and BMI; 3.PA levels are measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire; 4.The F/V intake and PA SOC behaviors are measured in accordance with the Trans Theoretical Model; 5.Autoefficacy and PA barriers are measured by questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, chi- cuadrado test and factorial analysis of multiple correspondences are used.Results:The prevalence of CVRF are: 87.9% low F and V intake, 65.3% physical inactivity, 50% excess of weight (40.8% overweight, 9.4% obesity), 36.4% alcohol, 25.6% central obesity, 14.8% tobacco use, 14% high blood pressure and 6.9% dyslipidemia history. Overweight is higher in men (p<0.001), married (p=0.000), with primary education (p=0.024) and increase with age (p<0.000). Overweight, central obesity and high body fat percentage are associated with hypertension (p <0.000). Hypertension coexisted with obesity (38.4%) and overweight (15%) (p=0,00). Hypertension is associated with overweight and central obesity (p< 0.000). Overweight is associated with tobacco use (p=0,000), dyslipidemia history (p<0.000), high percentage of body fat (p=0,000) and central obesity (p=0,000). Central obesity increase with age and it is more prevalent in women. An association between F and V intake SOC and F and V intake is found. The 83% of subjects who accomplished WHO F and V intake recommendation are classified in SOC maintenance. Whereas the majority of subjects who did not accomplished WHO F and V intake recommendation have low F and V intake SOC (precontemplation y contemplation). A significative association between physical activity SOC with PA levels is observed (p=0.000). Sedentary subjects are classified mainly in PA SOC contemplation, whereas active and very active subjects are in PA SOC maintenance. Lack of time is the most common barrier to practice PA. PA autoefficacy levels are associated with BMI. Lower PA autoefficacy is associated with obesity. Women eat more F/V. Conclusions: High CVRF prevalence is found (low F/V intake, physical inactivity, excess of weight, alcohol use, central obesity, tobaco use and HBP). Obesity is associated with other FRCV. Being obese and lack of time are barriers for PA practicing. The PA SOC are associated with PA levels. The F/V SOC are associate with F/V comsumption. Research findings were used for designing and implementing "Estar bien es cuestión de equilibrio" (lifesytle promotion) Program in the Ecuadorian private company under investigation.It is important to implement a CVRF prevention and management program in this company.

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