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Resumen de Model and context in the Mediterranean basin

Wei Jia Tian

  • The intention of this thesis is to bring a realistic rethinking and test on actual facts and specific conditions of architectural practices in modern period with the aim of discovering the fundamental but rarely mentioned qualities that create the complexities and contradictions in the relationship between architectural form and place. The idea of emphasizing two terms, Model and Context, is to propose two concepts that stand for two characteristics that respectively similar with the meaning of ideology and realism. The whole phrase, "model and context", demonstrates the interest particularly in the discussing the relationship between those two, which is represented in the way of architectural intervention. Generally speaking, architectural interventions follow the way of staying in between, or in mutual, of those theoretical extremes, and that initiates the intent of this thesis to analyze this ambiguous status of this in between, between ideal and realistic. However, to use the new object to illustrate the characteristic of model is not appropriate and precise, the term model in the thesis represents a synonym meaning of a mental image that comes out from the intelligent storage of an architectural brain. The architectural intervention is the process that to apply the metaphorical emergence of model into the context of the site by means of modification and compromising. lf the aim of architectural design is to create art into the scenes presented by circumstances, or to fit and tally model to the mise en scène granted by context, to accomplish this aim, involves not only the pairing of designer's proper ideas with his previous decisions, modus, standardized orders, individual's manners, etc. but also the adjustment and attunement of those ideas to the particularity of place. So there is tension lying in the contradiction and confliclion between ideology and reality, and it is not meant to be overcome in a perfect blending of one with the other; instead, the contradiction indicates the way architecture use its separate mean to reveal the tacit or consistency of the pregiven context. This way of intervention and revealing is not passive but productive, not conforming to what is given but augmenting it and this productive way of how Mediterranean architecture act to its context is what this thesis all about. And the scope of the thesis is bounded in the Mediterranean Basin which has an addition restriction on the area of the north coastal shore of the western Mediterranean Sea is because, metaphorically, the architect who practiced in this specific region had been used to walk in design freedom that was sustained by the mixture of principles, knowledge, reflections and so on; and physically, the geographical and topographical qualities of this certain area have the most characteristic features on topography, layers, infrastructures , and so on, with their great benefits and values in the public spaces. Those challenges from the complexity of the natural environment and urban distribution offered architects the opportunities to face with problematic pre-conditions and actual difficulties on site. The seven ideas proposed in the way of seven journeys - belvedere, interface, landform, platonic center, urban panopticon, urban sequence, landmark - that illustrate a comprehensive landscape of thinking with perspective: what I wish to achieve is not an encyclopedia of containing a survey of every possible assumption to describe all the features of Mediterranean tools would have had, neither using several points of view to generalize a standardized manual without exceptions comprised by common rules and principles for that all the buildings have to obey when building in the Mediterranean Basin, but only to provide perspective thinking and understanding which could introduce the Mediterranean tools in an operative and systematic way.

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