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Resumen de Narrativas cibernéticas y arquitectura computacional

Camilo Andrés Cifuentes Quin

  • This dissertation aims to contribute to the understanding of the role accorded to information technology in architecture. For this purpose the dissertation presents a look at some of the dominant models developed in the field of digital architecture, from the perspective of the relationship between the introduction of IT tools in the profession and the construction of its disciplinary problems in reference to a series ideas prometed by the information discourses. The proposed analysis is a study of the influence of cybernetic thinking in contemporary practices of digital architecture. Thus it aims to show how some of the most influential models in this field have been built around the informational paradigm inaugurated by Norbert Wiener and colleagues. The study is based on a mode of analysis from which the production of digital architecture is considered as what Bruno Latour calls a "work of mediation." That is, as a complex process resulting from the feedback between different factors including the traditional disciplinary problems of architecture, its technological aspects and a number of different references to scientific models close to the cybernetic paradigm . From this perspective is proposed a look at three key models of digital architecture that are closely linked with cybernetic thinking. These include the characterizations of design problems as systems, as genetic mechanisms, and as complex, self-organized, emergent phenomena, which, in direct reference to the ideas promoted in areas such as systems theory, the informational visions biology and complexity science, have defined elaborations of architecture and design problems that challenge the traditional representations and techniques of the profession. Starting from a look at the cybernetic origins of the discourses of performance in architecture, the proposed analysis aims to show, on the first hand, how the systemic, genetic and complex characterizations of digital architecture have been developed by defining design problems in reference to a series of concepts emanating from the information discourses, and, on the other hand, how these relate to the use of computation in design. In each of the case studies it is expected to answer to two specific questions. First, what are the central ideas promoted by the reference models and its relation with cybernetic thinking. Second, what visions of architecture have been built around these ideas and how these visions are articulated with the design methodologies developed. Therefore, the dissertation is an inquiry into how the narratives promoted by cybernetics have played a crucial role in the constructions of digital architecture; and conversely, how computational methods of design appear, not as a determining factor in the production of architecture , but as a means of exploring in architecture the informational world view that has shaped digital culture. This view challenges the deterministic visions of information technology in architecture, on behalf of a vision where the use of information technologies appear as medium for the construction of disciplinary problems within the informational episteme. By situating cybernetic thinking as one of the conditions that have structured the intellectual work of architects in the digital era, this dissertation is a contribution to building a critical regard at the digital production of architecture, it is a critical issue for both the present and the future of the profession.

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