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Resumen de Regressió lineal amb errors en ambdos eixos: aplicació a la calibració i a la comparació de métodes analítics

Jordi Riu Rusell

  • español

    En esta tesis se han desarrollado tests para la comparación de dos o más métodos anlíticos a múltiples niveles de concentración teniendo en cuenta los errores asociados a cada método, utilizando la técnica de regresión de mínimos cuadrados bivariantes (bivariate least squares, BLS), Estos tests también son útiles en calibración lineal, ya que diversas técnicas analíticas (como por ejemplo fluorescencia de rayos X) encuentran la recta de calibración utilizando materiales de referencia certificados del analito de interés, cada uno de los cuales con incertidumbres asociadas al valor de la concentración.

    De esta manera, se han desarrollado tests individuales para los coeficientes de la recta de regresión (para la detección de errores proporcionales o constantes), test conjunto par los coeficientes de la recta de regresión (para la comparación de dos o más métodos analíticos), y los intervalos de confianza en predicción, siempre basados en el método de regresión BLS, el cual considera los errores asociados a los dos ejes.

  • English

    An important subject in analytical chemistry is the comparison of analytical methods at different levels of concentration using linear regression. As the two methods normally have associated errors, the regression line should be found using what is known as regression methods that take into account the errors in both axes. Another field in which these regression methods can be applied is in linear calibration, since there are some analytical techniques (for instance, X-ray fluorescence), in which the calibration line is found with certified reference materials (CRM) of the analyte of interest, each of which presents associated uncertainties to the concentration values. To find the regression line, we used the bivariate least squares (BLS) regression method, which takes into account the individual errors in both axes, and we developed the following tests: · individual tests on the coefficients of the regression line Useful for detecting constant or proportional errors. We developed and validated the expressions for calculating the probabilities of  error taking into account the selected  probabilities of error and the bias set by the analyst. · joint confidence interval on the coefficients of the regression line This test can be used to compare two analytical methods, when one wants to check whether the intercept of the regression line significantly differs from zero and simultaneously if the slope significantly differs from unity. We have developed and validated the joint confidence interval for the coefficients of the BLS regression method, and the joint confidence interval for the coefficients of the MLS (multivariate least squares) regression method. The latter is useful for comparing more than two analytical methods. · confidence intervals in prediction Useful for finding the concentration value and its confidence interval from the instrumental response. It is also used in method comparison studies when one wants to know the confidence interval of a sample from the results of the same sample analysed by another method.

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