aviator of fortune:lowell yerex and the Anglo-American commercial aviation rivalry, 1931-1946
Erik Benson
págs. 5-17
Working on the railroad:workers and the evolution of the Pennsylvania railroad's pension plan
Charles W Cheape
págs. 17-27
The decline of british shipbuilding: negotiations betwwn the british government and the scott lithgow company 1960-1987
Duncan Philip Connors
págs. 27-41
Zara-Inditex and the growth of fast fashion
Stephanie O Crofton, Luis G Dopico
págs. 41-55
Unfair competition? American and Japanese airlines transpacific route rivalries, 1946-1971
Douglas Karsner
págs. 55-67
The elimination of the national debt in 1835and the meaning of jacksonian democracy
Carl Lane
págs. 67-79
Tobacco in transition:an overview of sixty-six years of partnership between producers, processors and politicians
Gilbert L Mathis, William M Snell
págs. 79-95
The role of quality:Spanish wool in Portuguese trade in the early nineteenth century
Maria Cristina Moreira
págs. 95-105
Menger for monopoly:the formation of U.S.Eteel
Charles S Reback
págs. 105-117
Buy Now! Buy here!:the rise and fall of the patriotic blue eagle emblem, 1933-1935
Jason E. Taylor
págs. 117-131
Ending a nyse tradition:the 1975 unraveling of brokers'fixed commissions and its long term impact on financial advertising
Janice M Traflet, Michael P Coyne
págs. 131-143
On the economic efficiency of organizations:toward a solution of the efficient government enterprise paradox
Robert E Wright
págs. 143-154
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