InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
The Quixotic quest for fairness : the SEC's role in the rise of high frequency trading
Janice M Traflet, William R. Gruver
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 33, 2015, págs. 144-189
Janice M Traflet
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 27, 2009, págs. 5-14
Gendered dollars: pin money, mad money, and changing notions of a woman's proper place
Janice M Traflet
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 26, 2008, págs. 189-198
Ethical Issues Related to the Mass Marketing of Securities.
Michael P Coyne, Janice M Traflet
Journal of business ethics, ISSN 0167-4544, Vol. 78, Nº. 1-2, 2008, págs. 193-198
Janice M Traflet, Michael P Coyne
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 25, 2007, págs. 131-143
Lessons in crisis mismanagement from the 1929 crash
Janice M Traflet
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 24, 2006, págs. 89-102
Spreading the ideal of mass share-ownership: public relations and the nyse
Janice M Traflet
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº 22, 2004
Janice M Traflet
Essays in economic and business history: the journal of the economic and business historical society, ISSN 0896-226X, Nº. 35, 2, 2017, págs. 189-192
Es reseña de:
Investment: A History
Norton Reamer, Jesse Downing
New York : Comubia University Press, 2016
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