"My Lady Tongue": Thomas Tomkis's 'lingua'
págs. 3-14
"That thin skin": Skipper Linday and the language of record
págs. 15-31
Encouraging marriage 'in facie ecclesiae': the Mary Play "Batrothal" and the Sarum 'Ordo ad faciendum Sponsolia'
págs. 32-43
The valencian 'Misteri del rey Herodes': misogyny, politics, and caste conflict
págs. 32-43
The corpus christi bull, 1264: latin text with modern english translation
págs. 62-78
págs. 79-103
The law that never was - a codicil: the case of 'the just vengeance'
págs. 104-115
The dating of Bale's 'King John': a re-examination
Jeffrey Leininger
págs. 116-137
págs. 138-140
Chester mystery plays: 30 june-19 july 2003
págs. 141-145
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