InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
George Buchanan, Dramatic Strategies, and Polemics in the Scottish Reformation
Pamela King
European Medieval Drama, ISSN 1378-2274, ISSN-e 2031-0064, Nº. 27, 2023, págs. 189-213
PERPETUALLY EDITING TOWNELEY: A Speculative Textual Note on Mrs Noah’s ‘Stafford Blue’
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº. 44, 2023, págs. 36-47
Poetics and Beyond: Noisy Bodies and Aural Variations in medieval English outdoor performance
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº. 38, 2016, págs. 129-144
Texts in Plays: the case of "Mankynde"
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº. 33, 2011, págs. 45-57
Playing Pentescost in York and Chester
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº. 29, 2007, págs. 60-74
The Renaissance of medieval theatre and the growth of university drama in England
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº. 27, 2005, págs. 105-130
La festa d'Elx revisited, august 2003
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº 24, 2002, págs. 138-140
Corpus Christi: Valencia
Pamela King
European Medieval Drama, ISSN 1378-2274, ISSN-e 2031-0064, Nº. 4, 2000, págs. 181-206
The York Plays and the Feast of Corpus Christi: a reconsideration
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº 22, 2000, págs. 13-32
Corpus Christi plays and the 'Bolton Hours' 1: Tastes in lay piety and patronage in fifteenth-century York
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº 18, 1996, págs. 46-62
Records of early English drama: reflections of a hardened user
Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº 17, 1995, págs. 52-57
Beyong REED? the york doomsday project
Meg Twycross, Pamela King
Medieval English theatre, ISSN 0143-3784, Nº 17, 1995, págs. 132-148
Algunes reflexions sobre la vinguda de la marededéu: significats i orígens
Pamela King
Festa d'Elx, ISSN 1889-8866, Nº. 43, 1991, págs. 171-178
La Festa d'Elx: algunes observacions d'una forastera
Pamela King
Festa d'Elx, ISSN 1889-8866, Nº. 41, 1989, págs. 165-178
Comtemporary cultural model for the trial plays in the York passion sequence
Pamela King
Cultura y representación en la edad media : actas del seminario celebrado con motivo del II Festival de Teatre i Música Medieval d¿Elx, octubre-noviembre de 1992 / coord. por Evangelina Rodríguez Cuadros, 1994, ISBN 84-7784-118-7, págs. 137-143
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