Intrinsic generalized metrics
W. Charles Holland, Ralph Kopperman, Homeira Pajoohesh
págs. 1-18
Almost Schreier monoids
Tiberiu Dumitrescu, Waseem Khalid
págs. 19-28
Characterization of hyper-archimedean vector lattices via disjointness preserving bilinear maps
Mohamed Ali Toumi
págs. 29-42
The subvariety lattice for representable idempotent commutative residuated lattices
Jeffrey S. Olson
págs. 43-58
A 2-element antichain that is not contained in any finite retract
Michal Kukiela, S. W. Schröder
págs. 59-62
Compatible relations on Heyting chains
Long T. Nguyen, Jane G. Pitkethly
págs. 63-80
Quotients of dimension effect algebras
David J. Foulis, Sylvia Pulmannová
págs. 81-104
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