pág. 2
Editor's page:: Yarn forward...
pág. 3
Special reports:: Textile waste up-cycling: will it make successful business?
pág. 4
Special reports:: It's time for Asian regional alliance for research
págs. 5-7
Special reports:: India tops in cotton output, but China rules the market
págs. 7-8
Exhibitions and conferences:: Heimtextil: maintaining its world standard
págs. 9-12
Exhibitions and conferences:: Coming events: Suatainable Textile Confab.- Fashion meeting in Jodhpur.- Future of trade policy.- Cleaning textile products.- Intimate apparel symposium in HK.- PH Value and CHIC.- Textile machinery fair in Turkey.- Textile fair in Dubai
págs. 13-14
Exhibitions and conferences:: Proposte with an added attraction.- Techtextil and Texprocess.- Door to Central Asian market.- Textile fair in Phom Penh.- IWTO congress.- FESPA Africa.- Australia Cotton conference.- FESPA Eurasia.- Composites congress.- Cashmere forum
págs. 14-15
Exhibitions and conferences:: INDA launches a new conference.- Cotton research confab.- Textile fair in Turkey
pág. 16
Regional notes:: Sri Lanka: the proof of true quality
pág. 16
Products and technology:: Wool fabrics can now be protected against fungi, algae and bacteria.- A versatile cutting and engraving machine.- Biaxtronic CO for good cost-efficiency.- Fast knitting machine.- For ellastic covered yarns.- New for leather
págs. 17-19
Products and technology:: Textile technology in heart surgery.- Cost-efficient filling for heat regulating apparel.- Earthcolors to make garments eco-friendly.- EasyQ to cut lead time.- A device for better quality weaving.- Straight lock stiitcher
págs. 19-20
Technical features:: Fibre reinforced rigid polyurethane foam has better thermal resistivity
págs. 21-25
Technical features:: Nonwovens for urban water management
Nikhil Bhosale, Vardhaman Chougule, Bajirao Jadhav, N.B. Timble
págs. 25-27
Technical features:: Glass fibre: an overview of its many applications
págs. 27-30
Fashion trends:: Asia's largest fashion event.- House show: Brand's Collection Show 1.- House Show: Designer Collection Show 1.- House Show: The HK PolyU Intimate Fashion Show.- Hong Kong Fashion Extravaganza 2015 by Audi Hong Kong
págs. 31-33
Fashion trends:: House Show: Designer Collection Show II.- Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers' Contest 2015.- House Show: i.t.
págs. 34-36
Executive desk:: German quality nod for China's healthcare laundry.- Hong Kong designer Kelvin Ng honoured by ASFD three times.- UL designer wins EcoChic Design Award
pág. 37
págs. 38-39
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