Área de conocimientoPeriodo de publicación recogido
Exhibitions and conferences: Intertextile Shanghai marks the largest show
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 9 (Nov./Dec.), 2015, págs. 36-44
Exhibitions and conferences: Milano Unica ends on a positive note with increased foreign exhibitors
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 8 (October), 2015, págs. 17-20
Testing time for China's cotton sector
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 7 (September), 2015, pág. 4
Mill use of cotton declines due to low price of polyester
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 7 (September), 2015, págs. 5-6
Exhibitions and conferences: After a record-setting autumn fair ITSH plans to resume spring edition
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 7 (September), 2015, págs. 10-12
Exhibitions and conferences:: Milan prepares to host ITMA for the fifth time
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 6 (Jul./Aug.), 2015, págs. 11-14
Exhibitions and conferences:: Three-day apparel gala in China's garment hub.- Interview Shen Yongfang (Technology must be used to sustain compettiveness
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 6 (Jul./Aug.), 2015, págs. 14-18
Exhibitions and conferences:: Intertextile and CHIC enter a new era.- Fair-in-fair concept catches on.- Yarn Expo marks impressive gains.- Kenya beckons investors
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 3 (April), 2015, págs. 20-27
Special reports:: Milano Unica moves ahead on the road to internationalisation
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Feb./Mar.), 2015, págs. 4-5
Exhibitions and conferences:: Simplicity with artistic boldness defines the 20th Milano Unica
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Feb./Mar.), 2015, págs. 14-20
Special reports:: It's time for Asian regional alliance for research
Vicky Sung, C.K. Chow
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 46, No. 1 (January), 2015, págs. 5-7
Exhibitions and conferences:: Fibres, fabrics, fashion and high-tech garments.- A new venue for holding four textile shows simultaneously twice a year.- Milano Unica in STAF: a partnership that will carry on
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 9 (December), 2014, págs. 6-13
Special reports:: A revolution of new materials is sweeping across the world
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 8 (November), 2014, págs. 4-6
Special reports:: World's top textile show is more than just textiles
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 8 (November), 2014, págs. 10-12
Exhibitions and conferences:: Market for technical textiles expands faster then all others
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 8 (November), 2014, págs. 14-20
Special reports:: A forum to promote research and knowledge exchange
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 7 (September), 2014, págs. 4-8
Exhibitions and conferences:: Home textile show celebrates 20th anniversary with new milestones
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 7 (September), 2014, págs. 17-24
Special reports:: Asian Age is unfolding for textile machinery industry
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 6 (July/August), 2014, págs. 4-6
Exhibitions & conferences:: Intertextile Pavilion Shenzhen: a rising attraction for fabric suppliers.- This national event is now drawing global attention
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 6 (July/August), 2014, págs. 17-20
Special reports:: A landmark in China's new economic policy
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 3 (April), 2014, págs. 13-14
Special reports:: From fabrics to cars and aircraft, carbon fibre has vast potential
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 3 (April), 2014, págs. 16-17
Exhibitions and conferences:: Moved to Shanghai, ITSAS hits new high
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 3 (April), 2014, págs. 25-28
Exhibitions and conferences:: Changes in the air as the world looks to China for home textiles
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 3 (April), 2014, págs. 29-30
Special reports:: Don't worry; the future is bright, especially for Asian economies
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Feb./Mar.), 2014, págs. 4-5
Special reports:: China still dominates the fibre market
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 45, No. 1 (January), 2014, págs. 5-10
Exhibitions and conferences:: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics sets new records.- Textile Planet Conference.- Yarn Expo Shanghai.- Knitting fair with a new name
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 10 (Nov./Dec.), 2013, págs. 18-25
Exhibitions and conferences:: A successful Shanghai show of hometextiles
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 8 (September), 2013, págs. 11-18
Exhibitions and conferences:: FashionSZshow comes of age and Shenzhen rises as a fashion capital
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 7 (August), 2013, págs. 8-10
Merino wool contest:: Marco Polo of the wool industry
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 4 ((May)), 2013, pág. 10
Exhibitions and conferences:: Europeans on centre stage
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 4 ((May)), 2013, págs. 15-18
Exhibitions and conferences:: Exhibitors at record high
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 4 ((May)), 2013, págs. 20-21
Regional notes:: Thailand: Trade shifts eastward.- MoU with Hong Kong
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 44, No. 3 ((April)), 2013, págs. 35-36
China cost rise reshapes apparel sourcing in Asia: Rising production cost in China is driving some global apparel brands to turn towards other Asian countries; but the high quality end of the market will remain with China
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 42, No. 11 (December), 2011, págs. 39-52
The changing trend in global fibre consumption: Global demand for manmade fibre has increased ten times over the past five decades overtaking cotton which was the dominant fibre in 1980.
Vicky Sung
Textile Asia, ISSN 0049-3554, Vol. 42, No. 10 (November), 2011, págs. 8-9
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