Where are the Experts?
Bill VanPatten
págs. 2-13
Which Features of Spanish Learners' Pronuntation Most Impact Listener Evaluations?
Kara A. McBride
págs. 14-30
Directing Attention to Pronunciation in the Second Language Classroom
David Counselman
págs. 31-46
Adult Second Language Learning of Spanish Vowels
Katherine Cobb, Miquel Simonet
págs. 47-60
Comparing Interaction and Use of Space in Traditional and Innovative Classrooms
Laura Gurzynski-Weiss, Avizia Long, Megan Solon
págs. 61-78
El antropónimo precedido de artículo en la historia del español
Ambrosio Miguel Calderón Campos
págs. 79-93
Trying to Reach More Children: Videoconferencing in the Spanish Foreign Language Elementary School Classroom
Gregory L. Thompson, Joyce Nutta
págs. 94-109
(Mis)Representations of Female Slaves in Golden Age Spain: Mariana de Carvajal's Recovery of the Black Female Slave in La industria vence desdenes
Carmen King de Ramírez
págs. 110-122
Ringside with Cuba's National Poet
Marilyn Miller
págs. 123-138
Sor Juana ante la paradoja de un sueño
Dinorah Cortés Vélez
págs. 139-151
Autoficción y metalenguaje en Morir en Isla Vista de Víctor Fuentes
Andrés Villagrá
págs. 152-160
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