Searching for Benedict de Spinoza in the history of communication: : His influence on Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays
págs. 319-325
págs. 326-334
Tipping the balance: : A decision-making model for localization in global public relations agencies
págs. 335-344
Public relations in the small business environment: : Creating identity and building reputation
págs. 345-353
Planned Parenthood takes on Live Action: : An analysis of media interplay and image restoration strategies in strategic conflict management
págs. 354-356
Changing the story of retirement: : How AARP utilizes a strategic narrative to advocate for the aging workforce
págs. 357-364
págs. 365-369
The impact of media relations on certain organizational and business performances: : Serbian case
Edit Terek, Milan Nikolic, Jelena Vukonjanski, Bojana Gligorović, Branka Janković
págs. 370-372
págs. 373-375
Implementing dialogic communication: : A survey of IPR, PRSA, and IABC members
págs. 376-377
“Business 101” in public relations educations: : An exploratory survey of senior communication executive
págs. 378-380
Parody social media accounts: : Influence and impact on organizations during crisis
págs. 381-385
págs. 386-394
Infusing social media with humanity: : Corporate character, public engagement, and relational outcomes
págs. 395-403
Confessions of an angry employee: : The dark side of de-identified “confessions” on Facebook
págs. 404-410
págs. 411-413
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