Multilingualism in transformative spaces: contact and conviviality
págs. 289-311
Micro declared language policy or not?: language- policy-like statements in the rules of procedure of the Rwandan Parliament
págs. 313-332
págs. 333-354
Vahap Coşkun, M. şerif Derince, and Nesrin Uçarlar: Scar of Tongue: Consequences of the Ban on the Use of Mother Tongue in Education and Experiences of Kurdish Students in Turkey
págs. 355-357
Munene Mwaniki: Language Planning in South Africa: Towards a Language Management Approach
págs. 359-361
Heather Lotherington: Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Rewriting Goldilocks
págs. 363-365
Ester J. de Jong: Foundations for Multilingualism in Education: From Principles to Practice
págs. 367-369
págs. 371-373
Alexandre Duchêne and Monica Heller (eds): Language in Late Capitalism: Pride and Profit
François Grin (res.)
Es reseña de:
Language in Late Capitalism: Pride and Profit / coord. por Alexandre Duchêne, Monica Heller
Routledge Reino Unido, 2008. ISBN 978-84-9876-223-5
págs. 375-377
Gulbahar H. Beckett and Gerard A. Postiglione (eds): China’s Assimilationist Language Policy: The Impact on Indigenous/Minority Literacy and Social Harmony
págs. 379-381
Ettien Koffi: Paradigm Shift in Language Planning and Policy: Game-Theoretic Solutions
págs. 383-385
Harold F. Schiffman (ed.): Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and Its Neighbors: The Changing Politics of Language Choice
págs. 387-389
págs. 391-393
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