The elusive state of the 'Tartessos question' in the Iberian peninsula
Es reseña de:
Tarteso. El emporio del metal
Jaime Alvar Ezquerra (ed. lit.)
Juan M. Campos Carrasco, 2013
págs. 538-544
Il sacro e il profano: Cultural entanglements and ritual practices in the classical world
Es reseña de:
Meixis. Dinamiche di stratificazione culturale nella periferia greca e romana
Simonetta Angiolillo, Marco Giuman, Chiara Pilo
Roma : Giorgio Bretschneider, 2011
págs. 545-548
Etruria, Rome and Latium: Influences on early podium temples
Es reseña de:
Religious architecture in Latium and Etruria
Charlotte R. Potts
págs. 549-554
Landscape changes and the rural economy of the Metaponto region
Es reseña de:
The chora of Metaponto vol.3 / Archaeological field survey Bradano to Basento Vol.1-4
Alberto Prieto (ed. lit.)
Joseph Coleman Carter, 2016
págs. 555-561
The Italic settlement of Civita di Tricarico in Lucania
Es reseña de:
Civita de tricarico II. Habitat et artisanat au centre du plateau
Sophie Féret, Annamaria Caravelli, S. Bourdin (col.), M.H. Crawford (col.), M. Dewailly (col.)
Olivier de Cazanove, 2016
págs. 562-565
La cultura della Sardegna repubblicana
Es reseña de:
Comunitá urbane e rurali nella Sardegna Punica di Etá ellenistica
Andrea Roppa
págs. 566-571
A conference on fortification walls in Italy and elsewhere
Es reseña de:
Mura di legno, mura di terra, mura di pietra: Fortificazioni nel Mediterraneo antico
Gilda Bartolini, Laura Maria Michetti
págs. 572-574
Aelianus Tacticus: A phalanx of problems
Es reseña de:
The tactics of Aelian, or on the military arrangements of the Greeks: A new translation of the manual that influenced warfare for fifteen centuries
Christopher Matthew (trad.)
págs. 575-582
The urban image of the Campus Martius
Es reseña de:
Campus martius. Die urbane entwicklung des marsfeldes von der republik bis zur mittleren kaiserzeit
Jon Albers
págs. 583-586
Movement, experience and urbanism in ancient Rome
Es reseña de:
The moving city. Processions, passages and promenades in ancient Rome
Simon Malmberg (ed. lit.), Jonas Bjornebye (ed. lit.)
Ida Östenberg, 2015
págs. 587-591
Le mausolée du "grand bâtisseur"
Es reseña de:
Herodium. Final reports of the 1972-2010 excavations directed by Ehud Netzer, Volume 1. Herod's tomb precint
Roi Porat, Rachel Chachy, Yakov Kalman, N. Ahipaz (col.), S. Amorai Stark (col.), B. Arensburg (col.), A. Barash (col.), A. Belfer Cohen (col.), R. Bouchnick (col.), A. Ecker (col.), E. Eshel (col.), G. Foerster (col.), J. Gärtner (col.), M. Hershkovitz (col.), S. Ilani (col.), R.E. Jackson Tal (col.), I. Ktalav (col.), T. Minster (col.), R. Nenner Soriano (col.), O. Peleg Barkat (col.), R. Sarig (col.), D.R. Schwartz (col.), G.D. Stiebel (col.), D. Wachs (col.), B. Zissu (col.)
págs. 592-597
Ignotum per ignotius?: Pompeii, Vergil and the "Museum of Augustus"
Es reseña de:
The museum of Augustus. The temple of Apollo in Pompeii, the portico of Philippus in Rome, and Latin poetry
Peter Heslin
págs. 598-606
Writing a postmodern art history of classical Italy
Es reseña de:
Egypt in Italy. Visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture
Molly Swetnam Burland
págs. 607-612
Vergöttlichte Kaiser und Kultstatuen
Es reseña de:
The divinization of Caesar and Augustus. Precedents, consequences, implications
Michael Koortbojian
págs. 613-615
Recent workshops on ancient surface decoration
Es reseña de:
Beyond iconography. Materials, methods, and meaning in ancient surface decoration
Susanna McFadden (ed. lit.)
Sarah Lepinski, 2015
págs. 616-619
A splendid and well-merited Festschrift on glass
Es reseña de:
Glass of the Roman world
Ian Freestone (ed. lit.), Caroline Jackson (ed. lit.)
Justine Bayley, 2015
págs. 620-625
Es reseña de:
Luxus. The sumptuos arts of Greece and Rome
Kenneth Lapatin
págs. 626-627
Musei Capitolini and Dresden: Two state-of-the-art portrait catalogues, including portraits of children
Es reseña de:
Skulpturensammlung, staatliche kunstsammlungen Dresden. Katalog der antiken Bildwerke III. Die porträts
Kordelia Knoll, Christiane Vorster
Hirmer Verlag, 2013
Katalog der Römischen Porträts in den capitolinischen museen und den anderen kommunalen sammlungen der stadt rom / Kinderbildnisse; nachträge zu den bänden I-III; Neuzeitliche oder neuzeitlich verfälschte bildnisse; Bildnisse an reliefdenkmalern
Klaus Fittschen, Paul Zanker
Gisela Fittschen-Badura, 2014
págs. 628-634
Es reseña de:
Roman girlhood and the fashioning of femininity
Lauren Caldwell
págs. 635-641
Another social history of Roman "youth", with questions about its restlessness
Es reseña de:
Youth in the Roman Empire. The young and the restless years?
Christian Laes, Johan Strubbe
págs. 642-650
Putting slaves back into the picture
Es reseña de:
The material life of roman slaves
Sandra R. Joshel, Lauren Hackworth Petersen
Cambridge University Press, 2014
págs. 650-652
Was there a culture of the Roman plebs?
Es reseña de:
La plèbe de Rome et sa culture (fin du IIe siècle av. J.-C. - Fin du Ier siècle ap. J.-C.)
Cyril Courrier
Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2014
págs. 653-658
Textiles and children in ancient cemeteries
Es reseña de:
L'enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité II. Types de tombes et traitement du corps des enfants dans l'Antiquité Gréco-Romaine
Marie-Dominique Nenna (ed. lit.)
Centre d'Études Alexandrines, 2012
Dressing the dead in classical antiquity
Maureen Carroll (ed. lit.), John Peter Wild (ed. lit.)
Amberley Publishing, 2012
págs. 659-663
Es reseña de:
Archéologie des jardins. Analyse des espaces et méthodes d'approche
Paul Van Ossel (ed. lit.), Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets (ed. lit.)
Éditions monique mergoil, 2014
págs. 664-670
To each his own?: Intimacy in the Roman house
Es reseña de:
Privata Luxuria. Towards an archaeology of intimacy in Pompeii and beyond
Anna Anguissola (ed. lit.)
Herbert Utz Verlag, 2012
págs. 671-675
From public to private, and back again
Es reseña de:
Dialogues entre sphère publique et sphère privée dans l'espace de la cité romaine. Vecteurs, acteurs, significations
Alexandra Dardenay (ed. lit.), Emmanuelle Rosso (ed. lit.)
Ausonius Éditions, 2013
págs. 675-678
The organization of the Roman games
Es reseña de:
L'organisation des spectacles dans le monde romain. Huits exposés suivis de discussions
Kathleen Coleman (ed. lit.), Jocelyn Nelis-Clément (ed. lit.)
Fondation Hardt, 2012
págs. 679-683
A Festschrift honouring Jean Andreau
Es reseña de:
Les affaires de Monsieur Andreau. Économie et société du monde romain
Catherine Apicella (ed. lit.), Marie-Laurence Haack (ed. lit.), François Lerouxel (ed. lit.)
Ausonius Éditions, 2014
págs. 684-687
Needs, wants, and unwelcome disciples: neoclassical economics and the ancient Mediterranean
Es reseña de:
Economic theory and the ancient Mediterranean
Donald W. Jones
Wiley Bñackwell, 2014
págs. 688-691
Connectivity, roads and transport: essays on Roman roads to speak to other disciplines?
Es reseña de:
Highways, Byways, and Road Systems in the Pre-Modern World
Susan E. Alcock (ed. lit.), John Bodel (ed. lit.), Richard J. A. Talbert (ed. lit.)
Wiley Blackwell, 2012
págs. 692-695
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