págs. 7-37
Buthrotum ’s sacred topography and the imperial cult,I:: the west courtyard and pavement inscription
págs. 38-63
Surrounded by the sea:: re-investigating the villa maritima del Capo di Sorrento. Interim report
W. Filser, B. Fritsch, W. Kennedy, Christoph Klose, R. Perrella
págs. 64-96
The “lost” Nollekens Relief of an imperial sacrifice from Domitian’s Palace on the Palatine: its history, iconography and date
págs. 97-126
The Vinkovci treasure of Late Roman silver plate:: preliminary report
págs. 127-150
págs. 151-174
págs. 175-195
Re-using the gods:: a 6th-c. statuary display at Sagalassos and a re-evaluation of pagan mythological statuary in Early Byzantine civic space
págs. 196-226
págs. 227-243
págs. 244-266
Rural religion, religious places and local identities in Hispania :: the sanctuary at Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona)
págs. 267-282
págs. 283-300
págs. 301-324
págs. 325-350
págs. 351-371
págs. 372-386
Housing slaves on estates: a proposed ergastulum at the Villa of Rufio (Giano dell’Umbria)
Jaime Molina Vidal, Ignasi Grau Mira, Francisco Llidó López, Juan Francisco Álvarez Tortosa
págs. 387-406
págs. 407-428
Conquest strategy and political discourse:: new evidence for the conquest of Dacia from LiDAR analysis at Sarmizegetusa Regia
págs. 429-446
The Antonine Wall’s distance-slabs:: LiDAR as metric survey
págs. 447-468
págs. 469-489
págs. 490-508
Towards a typology of triangular bronze Hekate bases:: contextualizing a new find from Sardis
págs. 509-516
Baetican olive-oil trade under the Late Empire:: new data on the production of Late Roman amphorae (Dressel 23) in the lower Genil valley
págs. 517-529
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