Periodo de publicación recogido
Scaling of hunter-gatherer camp size and human sociality
José Lobo, Todd Whitelaw, Luís M.A. Bettencourt, Polly Wiessner, Michael E. Smith, Scott G. Ortman
Current anthropology: A world journal of the sciences of man, ISSN 0011-3204, Nº. 1, 2022, págs. 68-94
An ode to conference proceedings from the U.S. Southwest
Scott G. Ortman
Antiquity, ISSN 0003-598X, Vol. 94, Nº 377, 2020, págs. 1360-1362
Urban form, infrastructure and spatial organisation in the Roman Empire
John W. Hanson, Scott G. Ortman, Luís M.A. Bettencourt, Liam C. Mazur
Antiquity, ISSN 0003-598X, Vol. 93, Nº 369, 2019, págs. 702-718
A systematic method for estimating the populations of Greek and Roman settlements
J.W. Hanson, Scott G. Ortman
Journal of Roman archaeology, ISSN 1047-7594, Vol. 30, Nº. 1, 2017, págs. 301-324
Empirical Bayesian methods for archaeological survey data: an application from the Mesa Verde region
Scott G. Ortman, Mark D. Varien
American antiquity, ISSN 0002-7316, Vol. 72, Nº. 2, 2007, págs. 241-272
Historical ecology in the Mesa Verde region: results from the village ecodynamics project
Mark D. Varien, Scott G. Ortman, Timothy A. Kohler, Donna M. Glowacki, C. David Johnson
American antiquity, ISSN 0002-7316, Vol. 72, Nº. 2, 2007, págs. 273-299
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