págs. 249-261
págs. 262-288
págs. 289-307
Eugenics, infant exposure, and the enemy within: a pessimistic reading of Zack Snyder'S 300.
págs. 308-330
Stephen Scully, Hesiod's "Theogony".: from Near Eastern creation myths to "Paradise Lost"
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Hesiod's "Theogony": From Near Eastern Creation Myths to "Paradise Lost".
Stephen Scully
págs. 331-332
Ilaria Ramelli, social justice and the legitimacy of slavery: ehe role of philosophical asceticism from ancient judaism to late antiquity.
Es reseña de:
social justice and the legitimacy of slavery: ehe role of philosophical asceticism from ancient judaism to late antiquity.
Ilaria Ramelli
págs. 333-335
Review of remembering Parthenope: the reception of classical Naples from antiquity to the present, ed. Jessica Hughes and Claudio Buongiovanni (Classical Presences).
Es reseña de:
Review of Remembering Parthenope: the reception of classical Naples from antiquity to the present,
Jessica Hughes (ed. lit.), Claudio Buongiovanni (ed. lit.)
págs. 336-339
Antonio Ziosi: Didone regina di Cartagine di Christopher Marlowe: metamorfosi virgiliane nel Cinquecento.
Es reseña de:
Didone regina di Cartagine di Christopher Marlowe: Metamorfosi virgiliane nel Cinquecento.
Antonio Ziosi
págs. 340-342
Randall J. Pogorzelski: Virgil and Joyce: nationalism and imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses (Wisconsin Studies in Classics).
Es reseña de:
Virgil and Joyce: nationalism and imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses (Wisconsin Studies in Classics).
Randall J. Pogorzelski
págs. 343-345
Hans Lamers and Bettina Reitz-Joosse, The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism.: a latin text of iitalian fascism.
Es reseña de:
The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism. : a latin text of iitalian fascism.
Hans Lamers, Bettina Reitz-Joosse
págs. 346-348
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