InstitucionesPeriodo de publicación recogido
Panvinio and 'descriptio': renditions of history and antiquity in the late Renaissance
William Stenhouse
Papers of the British School at Rome, ISSN 0068-2462, Nº. 80, 2012, págs. 233-256
The epigraphic manuscripts and scholarship of Teofilo Gallaccini, a Seventeenth-Century dilettante
William Stenhouse
Epigraphica: periodico internazionale di epigrafia, ISSN 0013-9572, Nº 63, 2001, págs. 111-132
Representing Classical Monuments in the Sixteenth Century
William Stenhouse
Proceedings of the XVIth Intrnational Congress of Classical Arachaeology: Common ground: Archaeology, Art, Science and Humanities / coord. por Carol C. Mattusch, A. A. Donohue, Amy Brauer, 2006, ISBN 1842171836, págs. 406-409
The Invention of Papal History: Onofrio Panvinio between Renaissance and Catholic Reform
William Stenhouse
Revista de historiografía (RevHisto), ISSN 1885-2718, Nº. 34, 2020, págs. 421-427
Es reseña de:
The Invention of Papal History: Onofrio Panvinio between Renaissance and Catholic Reform
Stefan Bauer
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020
William Stenhouse
International journal of the classical tradition, ISSN 1073-0508, Vol. 25, Nº 2, 2018, págs. 187-189
Es reseña de:
Irritamenta: Numismatic Treasures of a Renaissance Collector (Numismatic Studies, 31).
New York : The American Numismatic Society, 2016
Review of remembering Parthenope: the reception of classical Naples from antiquity to the present, ed. Jessica Hughes and Claudio Buongiovanni (Classical Presences).
William Stenhouse
International journal of the classical tradition, ISSN 1073-0508, Vol. 24, Nº 3, 2017, págs. 336-339
Es reseña de:
Review of Remembering Parthenope: the reception of classical Naples from antiquity to the present,
Jessica Hughes (ed. lit.), Claudio Buongiovanni (ed. lit.)
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