Urban Responses to Climate Change: Theories and Governance Practice in Cities of the Global South.
págs. 1865-1878
Cities and Climate Change Challenges: Institutions, Policy Style and Adaptation Capacity in Bogotá.
págs. 1879-1901
Strategic Bundling of Development Policies with Adaptation: An Examination of Delhi's Climate Change Action Plan.
págs. 1902-1915
Climate Change Adaptive Capacity in Santiago de Chile: Creating a Governance Regime for Sustainability Planning.
págs. 1916-1933
Maintaining Climate Change Experiments: Urban Political Ecology and the EverydayReconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure
págs. 1934-1948
Thermal Eco-cities: Green Building and Urban Thermal Metabolism.
págs. 1949-1967
págs. 1968-1983
Complexity and Uncertainty: Problem orAsset in Decision Making of MegaInfrastructure Projects?
págs. 1984-2000
Climate Change and Reorganizing Land Use: Flood Control Areas as a Network Effect.
págs. 2001-2013
In Search of Symbolic Markers: Transforming the Urbanized Landscape of the Rotterdam Rijnmond.
págs. 2014-2034
Variations of the Entrepreneurial City: Goals, roles and visions in Rotterdam’sKop van Zuid and the GlasgowHarbour Megaprojects
págs. 2035-2051
Utrecht University Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU) Faculty of Geosciences Utrecht: The Case of Sihlcity in Zurich
págs. 2052-2073
When the Games Come to Town: Neoliberalism, Mega-Events andSocial Inclusion in the Vancouver2010 Winter Olympic Games
págs. 2074-2093
págs. 2094-2115
págs. 2116-2128
Gated Communities and House Prices: Suburban Change in Southern California, 1980-2008.
págs. 2129-2151
Between the Individual and the Community: Residential Patterns of the Haredi Population in Jerusalem.
págs. 2152-2176
págs. 2177-2197
Different Manifestations of the Concept of Empowerment: The Politics of Urban Renewal in the United States and the United Kingdom.
págs. 2198-2213
Participatory Democracy, Decentralization and Local Governance: the Montreal Participatory Budget in the light of 'Empowered Participatory Governance'.
págs. 2214-2230
Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Ghetto Poverty/Good Places to Live: Poverty and Public Housing in Canada.
págs. 2231-2235
págs. 2235-2236
págs. 2237-2238
págs. 2238-2240
págs. 2240-2241
Roots of the State: Neighborhood Organization and Social Networks in Beijing and Taipei.
págs. 2241-2242
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