"Scrupulously and meanly dressed”: on the function of dress in "Dubliners"
págs. 1-16
págs. 17-38
The "Ulysses" prosecution in the UK: a collateral casualty : Frank R. Leavis
págs. 39-54
págs. 55-74
págs. 75-110
págs. 111-135
págs. 137-169
Between the ethics of words and the aesthetics of ideas: the Shakespeare crossroads in James Joyce’s "Ulysses" and in Aldous Huxleys’s "Brave New World"
págs. 171-194
Mary Lavin’s Joyce “Arrows in Flight": a reappraisal of the contribution to the short story
págs. 195-210
págs. 211-227
A journey into History and Language: interview with Francisco García Tortosa
págs. 229-242
Far-fetched by constitution: conversation with Fritz Senn
págs. 243-317
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