The politics of international redistribution: explaining public support for fiscal transfers in the EU
págs. 4-29
The three stages of the anti-incumbency vote: Retrospective economic voting in young and established democracies
págs. 30-55
State of the field: What can political ethnography tell us about anti-politics and democratic disaffection?
John Boswell, Jack Corbett, Kate Dommett, Will Jennings, Matthew Flinders, R. A. W. Rhodes, Matthew Wood
págs. 56-71
Fair treatment, fair play?: The relationship between fair treatment perceptions, political trust and compliant and cooperative attitudes cross-nationally
págs. 72-95
The charismatic leadership of the ECB presidency: a language-based analysis
págs. 96-116
Do we need warm leaders? : Exploratory study of the role of voter evaluations of leaders’ traits on turnout in seven European countries
págs. 117-140
págs. 141-162
Flying solo: explaining single‐party cabinets under minority presidentialism
págs. 163-183
Does taxation lose its role in contemporary democratisation?: State revenue production revisited in the third wave of democratisation
págs. 184-208
Rapporteur-shadow rapporteur networks in the European Parliament: the strength of small numbers
págs. 209-235
Can the online crowd match real expert judgments?: How task complexity and coder location affect the validity of crowd‐coded data
págs. 236-247
págs. 248-269
págs. 270-291
Economic development and democracy: an electoral connection
Carl Henrik Knutsen, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Matthew Maguire, Michael Coppedge, Staffan I. Lindberg
págs. 292-314
The heterogeneous effect of diversity: ascriptive identities, class and redistribution in developed democracies
págs. 315-340
Political support among winners and losers: Within‐ and between‐country effects of structure, process and performance in Europe
págs. 341-361
State of the field: how to study populism and adjacent topics? A plea for both more and less focus
págs. 362-372
Do young female candidates face double barriers or an outgroup advantage?: The case of the European Parliament
págs. 373-384
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