Área de conocimientoPáginas webPeriodo de publicación recogido
Jorge M. Fernandes, Lucas Geese, Carsten Schwemmer
European journal of political research, ISSN 0304-4130, ISSN-e 1475-6765, Vol. 58, Nº. 1, 2019, págs. 270-291
Legislative Bellwethers:: The Role of Committee Membership in Parliamentary Debate
Jorge M. Fernandes, Max Goplerud, Miguel Won
Legislative studies quarterly, ISSN 0362-9805, Vol. 44, N. 2, 2019, págs. 307-343
The Politics of Committee Chairs Assignment in Ireland and Spain
Jorge M. Fernandes, Pedro Riera Sagrera, Francisco Cantú
Parliamentary affairs: A journal of representative politics, ISSN 0031-2290, Vol. 72, Nº 1, 2019, págs. 182-201
Minority Governments and Pledge Fulfilment: Evidence from Portugal
Catherine Moury, Jorge M. Fernandes
Government and opposition: An international journal of comparative politics, ISSN 0017-257X, Nº. 2, 2018, págs. 335-355
Government survival in semi-presidential regimes
Jorge M. Fernandes, Pedro Magalhaes
European journal of political research, ISSN 0304-4130, ISSN-e 1475-6765, Vol. 55, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 61-80
Intra-party delegation in the Portuguese legislature: assigning committee chairs and party coordination positions
Jorge M. Fernandes
The Journal of legislative studies, ISSN 1357-2334, Vol. 22, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 108-128
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