Language, Literacy and Social Justice: The Experiences of Bangladeshi Women in Birmingham, UK
págs. 179-193
págs. 194-208
págs. 209-215
págs. 216-236
Ethnic Identity in Context: A Comparative Study of Catholicism and Nationalism in Northern and Southern Ireland
págs. 237-252
Language Ideologies: Practice and Theory: Bambi B. Schieffelin, Kathryn A. Woolard, and Paul V. Kroskrity (eds)
John E. Joseph (res.)
Es reseña de:
Language Ideologies: Practice and Theory / coord. por Bambi B. Schieffelin, Kathryn A. Woolard, Paul V. Kroskrity
Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN 84-8002-709-6
págs. 253-255
Handbook of Me thods in Cultural Anthropology: H.R. Bernard (ed.)
págs. 256-258
Gender and Discourse: Ruth Wodak (ed.)
págs. 258-260
Macao 400 Years: Fei Chenkang, translated by Wang Yintong
págs. 261-262
Personality Disorders and Culture: Clinical and Conceptual Interactions: R.D. Alarçon, E.F. Foulks and M. Vakkur
págs. 263-263
Aspe cts of Multilinguali sm in Post-Apartheid South Africa: N. Kamwangamalu (ed)
págs. 264-267
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