Crosslinguistic interplay between semantics and phonology in late bilinguals: neurophysiological evidence
págs. 209-227
págs. 228-252
Electrophysiological correlates of categorical perception of lexical tones by English learners of Mandarin Chinese: an ERP study
págs. 253-265
págs. 266-284
Revisiting the Revised Hierarchical Model: Evidence for concept mediation in backward translation
págs. 285-299
The influence of proficiency and language combination on bilingual lexical access
Jessica G. Kastenbaum, Lisa M. Bedore, Elizabeth D. Peña, Li Sheng, Ilknur Mavis, Rajani Sebastian Vaytadden, Grama Rangamani, Sofia Vallila-Rohter, Swathi Kiran
págs. 300-330
Bilingual memory, to the extreme: Lexical processing in simultaneous interpreters
Micaela Santilli, Martina G. Vilas, Ezequiel Mikulan, Miguel Martorell Caro, Edinson Muñoz, Lucas Sedeño, Agustina Ibañez, Adolfo M. García
págs. 331-348
Language and literacy skills of home and international university students: How different are they, and does it matter?
págs. 349-365
Code-switching does not predict Executive Function performance in proficient bilingual children: Bilingualism does
págs. 366-382
The predictors of foreign-accentedness in the home language of Polish–English bilingual children
Magdalena Wrembel, Marta Marecka, Jakub Szewczyk, Agnieszka Otwinowska
págs. 383-400
Describing bilinguals: A systematic review of labels and descriptions used in the literature between 2005–2015
págs. 401-415
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