págs. 1-3
págs. 5-18
Estimation of Tourism Demand in Turkey: a Pooled Cross-Section Time Series Analysis
págs. 19-27
págs. 29-37
págs. 39-47
The Sequence of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis: Differences in Segmentation and Dimensionality Through the Use of Raw and Factor Scores
págs. 49-57
Gateways to Adventure Tourism: the Economic Impacts of Mountaineering on One Portal Community
págs. 59-63
The Tourism Researcher as Bricoleurx: the New Wealth and Diversity in Qualitative Inquiry. (Inspired by Handbook of Qualitative Research, Norman K. Denzin and Yvonne S. Lincoln)
págs. 67-74
Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power and Place
págs. 75-78
NRPA Congress Review: the Futur: Yours to Create
págs. 79-81
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