Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group: Implications of the UK High Court’s Decision – CORRIGENDUM
pág. 1
Ten Years After: From UN Guiding Principles to Multi-Fiduciary Obligations
págs. 179-197
págs. 198-211
págs. 212-226
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Research
págs. 227-240
Rise of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: A Beacon of Hope or a Double-Edged Sword?
págs. 241-254
págs. 255-269
págs. 270-278
A Decade of the UNGPs in India: Progressive Policy Shifts, Contested Implementation
págs. 279-292
págs. 293-311
Betting on the Wrong (Trojan) Horse: CSR and the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
págs. 312-325
Why the United Nations is Not the Ideal Forum for Business and Human Rights: The UNGPs and the Right to COVID-19 Vaccine Access in the Global South
págs. 326-335
The UN Guiding Principles’ Orbit and Other Regulatory Regimes in the Business and Human Rights Universe: Managing the Interface
págs. 336-351
Pandemic Innovation: The Private Sector and the Development of Contact-Tracing and Exposure Notification Apps
págs. 352-359
EU–China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: An Appraisal of its Sustainable Development Section
págs. 360-367
Okpabi v Shell and Four Nigerian Farmers v Shell: Parent Company Liability Back in Court
págs. 368-376
págs. 377-383
A Neatly Engineered Stalemate: A Review of the Sixth Session of Negotiations on a Treaty on Business and Human Rights
págs. 384-391
Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group: Implications of the UK High Court’s Decision
págs. 392-398
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