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The South African Experience: Litigating Remedies

  • Autores: Charles Abrahams
  • Localización: Business and Human Rights Journal, ISSN 2057-0198, ISSN-e 2057-0201, Vol. 6, Nº. 2, 2021 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Special Issue on “BHR Landscape after 10 years of the UNGPs: An Assessment”), págs. 270-278
  • Idioma: inglés
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  • Resumen
    • Many transnational corporations (TNCs) that conducted business in South Africa during apartheid had deemed it profitable and desirable, despite the country’s systemic human rights violations against its majority black population. In the aftermath of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre and 1976 student uprising, various United Nations and other international resolutions condemned TNCs for their incestuous relationship with apartheid South Africa and called for international sanctions against the regime. The demise of apartheid in 1994 brought about a new democratic, constitutional dispensation based on respect for human rights. However, attempts at holding TNCs liable for aiding and abetting the apartheid regime were fraught with obstacles and proved unsuccessful. Yet, the pursuit of strategic, class action litigation in areas as diverse as collusive conduct in bread manufacturing to occupational lung disease in South Africa’s goldmining industry have proven to be more successful in developing legal remedies against corporate harm. Areas impacted are extended legal standing under the common law, development of new causes of action and generous application of contingence fees arrangement.

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