Stu2p and XMAP215: turncoat microtubule-associated proteins?
Eric Karsenti, Andrei V. Popov
págs. 547-549
Proteasome degradation: enter the substrate
Christopher P. Hill, Andreas Förster
págs. 550-552
Ran in the spindle checkpoint: a new function for a versatile GTPase
Hoi-Yeung Li, Yixian Zheng, Kan Cao
págs. 553-556
Septate and paranodal junctions: kissing cousins
Michael Hortsch, Ben Margolis
págs. 557-561
Spindle asymmetry: a compass for the cell,
Justine Kusch, Yves Barral, Dimitris Liakopoulos
págs. 562-569
Quantitative cell biology with the Virtual Cell
Boris M. Slepchenko, Ian Macara, James C. Schaff
págs. 570-576
A dynamic bacterial cytoskeleton
Rut Carballido-López, Jeff Errington
págs. 577-583
Functional architecture of the nucleus: organizing the regulatory machinery for gene expression, replication and repair
Sayyed K. Zaidi, Corey D. Braastad, Gary S. Stein
págs. 584-592
Tropomodulins: life at the slow end
Robert S. Fischer, Velia M. Fowler
págs. 593-602
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