2019 |
SEOM clinical guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients (2018)
Peñas Bataller, Ramón de las
Majem, Margarita
Perez Altozano, Javier
Virizuela Echaburu, Juan Antonio
Cancer Minchot, Emilia
Diz Taín, Pilar
Donnay Candil, Olga
Hurtado Nuño, A.
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Ocón Bretón, Julia
7 |
2020 |
Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) in cancer patients
7 |
2021 |
Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale
4 |
2020 |
SEOM clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer (GC) and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA) (2019)
Martin Richard, M.
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Custodio, Ana
Gallego Plazas, Javier
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Reina Zoiló, J. J.
Richart Aznar, Paula
Rivera Herrero, Fernando
Alsina Maqueda, María
Sastre Valera, Javier
3 |
2022 |
Measurement properties of the Spanish version of the brief resilient coping scale (BRCS) in cancer patients
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Sorribes, Elena
Rodríguez González, Adán
Obispo Portero, B.
Mihic Góngora, Luka
Corral, María José
Rogado, J.
Cruz Castellanos, P.
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
3 |
2017 |
Chronic opioid therapy in long-term cancer survivors
3 |
2018 |
Factors associated with anxiety and depression in cancer patients prior to initiating adjuvant therapy
3 |
2021 |
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in Cancer Patients
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Gómez Sánchez, David
Fernández Montes, Ana
Palacín Lois, María
Antoñanzas Basa, Mónica
Rogado, J.
Manzano, A.
Ferreira Garcia, Estrella
Asensio Martínez, Elena
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
2 |
2024 |
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the herth hope index in spanish cancer patients
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Ferreira Garcia, Estrella
Sorribes, Elena
Hernández, Raquel
Planellas, Irina
Mihic Góngora, Luka
Corral, María José
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
2 |
2017 |
Validation of SDM-Q-Doc Questionnaire to measure shared decision-making physician’s perspective in oncology practice
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Jara Sánchez, Carlos
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
García García, T.
Ramchandani Vaswani, Avi
Castelo Fernández, Beatriz
Muñoz Sánchez, María del Mar
García Serrano, Sara
Higuera, Oliver
Mangas Izquierdo, Montserrat
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
2 |
2015 |
Embolia pulmonar en el paciente oncológico
Font Puig, Carme
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Plasencia Martinez, Juana M.ª
Calvo Temprano, David
Sánchez, Marcelo
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
Biosca Gomez de Tejada, Mercedes
Vicente Ortega, Vicente
Otero Candelera, Remedios
2 |
2018 |
Soporte nutricional y nutrición parenteral en el paciente oncológico
2 |
2019 |
SEOM clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteropancreatic and bronchial neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) (2018)
González Flores, E.
Serrano Blanch, Raquel
Sevilla García, Mª Isabel
Viudez, A.
Barriuso Feijoo, Jorge
Benavent Viñuales, Marta
Capdevila Castillon, Jaume
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
López López, Carlos
García Carbonero, Rocío
2 |
2016 |
Consensus on management of advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma on behalf of the Working Group of Thyroid Cancer of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology (SEEN) and the Spanish Task Force Group for Orphan and Infrequent Tumors (GETHI)
Grande Pulido, Enrique
Santamaría Sandi, Francisco Javier
Capdevila Castillon, Jaume
Navarro González, Elena
Zafón Llopis, Carles
Ramón y Cajal, Teresa
Gómez Sáez, José Manuel
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Riesco Eizaguirre, Garcilaso
Galofré Ferrater, Juan Carlos
2 |
2019 |
SEOM clinical practice guideline
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Martínez de Castro, Eva
Mata, E.
Biosca Gomez de Tejada, Mercedes
Custodio, Ana
Espinosa Arranz, Javier
García Vázquez, Elisa
Henao Carrasco, F.
Ayala de la Peña, Francisco
2 |
2018 |
Psychometric properties of the Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) in oncology practice
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Jara Sánchez, Carlos
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
García García, Teresa
Castelo Fernández, Beatriz
Ramchandani Vaswani, Avi
Muñoz Sánchez, María del Mar
Martínez de Castro, Eva
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Mangas Izquierdo, Montserrat
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
2 |
2017 |
Manejo de la infección y la neutropenia febril en el paciente con cáncer sólido
Aguado García, José María
Cruz Hernández, Juan Jesús
Virizuela Echaburu, Juan Antonio
Aguilar Guisado, Manuela
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Cassinello Espinosa, Javier
Gudiol González, Carlota
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Lizasoain, Manuel
Marco, Francesc
Ruiz Camps, Isabel
Salavert Lletí, Miguel
Vicente Baz, David
Carratalà Fernández, Jordi
2 |
2018 |
Evolución de los parámetros dificultad y discriminación en el ejercicio de examen MIR
1 |
2021 |
Social support, coping strategies and sociodemographic factors in women with breast cancer
Calderón Gómez, C.
Gomez, D.
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Hernández San Gil, Raquel
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Gil Raga, Mireia
Ostios García, L.
Garcia Carrasco, M.
Lopez de Ceballos, M.H.
Ferreira, E.
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
1 |
2018 |
Estoicismo frente al cáncer
Castelo Fernández, Beatriz
Palao Tarrero, Angela
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Jara Sánchez, Carlos
Ayala de la Peña, Francisco
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Higuera, Oliver
Hernández San Gil, Raquel
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
1 |
2018 |
The relationship between physician and cancer patient when initiating adjuvant treatment and its association with sociodemographic and clinical variables
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Muñoz Sánchez, María del Mar
Hernández San Gil, Raquel
Mut Lloret, Margarida
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
Cacho Lavín, Diego
Ivars Rubio, Alejandra
Carrión Galindo, José Rafael
Jara Sánchez, Carlos
1 |
2020 |
Coping strategies and depressive symptoms in cancer patients
1 |
2017 |
Psychometric properties of Liverpool Stoicism Scale (LSS) in a cohort of patients with resected cancer in adjuvant treatment
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Ferrando Piera, Pere Joan
Lorenzo Seva, Urbano
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Jara Sánchez, Carlos
Ayala de la Peña, Francisco
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
Ramchandani Vaswani, Avi
García García, T.
Mangas Izquierdo, Montserrat
Castelo Fernández, Beatriz
Donnay Candil, Olga
Muñoz Sánchez, María del Mar
Martínez de Castro, Eva
García Serrano, Sara
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Mellen, Teo
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
1 |
2019 |
Risk of malnutrition and emotional distress as factors affecting health-related quality of life in patients with resected cancer
Calderón Garrido, Caterina
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Hernández San Gil, Raquel
Majem, Margarita
Rosa Diaz, A.
Higuera, Oliver
Mut Lloret, Margarida
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
1 |
2015 |
Seom guidelines for the treatment of gastric cancer 2015
Martin Richard, M.
Custodio, Ana
García Girón, Carlos
Grávalos Castro, Cristina
Gómez Martín, Carlos
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Manzano Mozo, José Luis
Pericay Pijaume, Carles
Rivera Herrero, Fernando
Carrato Mena, Alfredo
1 |
2017 |
Performance of the clinical index of stable febrile neutropenia (CISNE) in different types of infections and tumors
Carmona Bayonas, Alberto
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
Virizuela Echaburu, Juan Antonio
Antonio, Maite
Font Puig, Carme
Biosca Gomez de Tejada, Mercedes
Ramchandani Vaswani, Avi
Martinez Garcia, Jerónimo
Hernando Cubero, Jorge
Espinosa Arranz, Javier
Martínez de Castro, Eva
Ghanem Cañete, Ismael
Beato Zambrano, Carmen
Blasco Cordellat, Ana
Garrido, M.
Mondéjar Solís, Rebeca
Arcusa Lanza, Àngels
Aragón Manrique, Isabel
Manzano, A.
Sevillano Fernández, Elena
Castañón, Eduardo
Ayala de la Peña, Francisco
1 |
2016 |
Valor pronóstico de la tomografía computarizada en la tromboembolia pulmonar aguda
1 |
2014 |
Guidelines for biomarker testing in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
García Carbonero, Rocío
Vilardell, Felipe
Jiménez Fonseca, P.
González Campora, Ricardo
González Flores, E.
Cuatrecasas Freixas, Miriam
Capdevila Castillon, Jaume
Aranda López, Francisco Ignacio
Barriuso Feijoo, Jorge
Matías-Guiu Guía, Xavier
1 |