This study intended to investigate the impact of technology integration on student engagementand academic outcomes in the classroom. Thus, the objectives of the study were to examine therelationship between technology integration and student engagement, to assess the effect oftechnology integration on academic achievement and to identify the most effective technologyintegration strategies for enhancing student engagement and outcomes. Significantly, the studyaddresses the pressing need for effective technology integration in classroom to enhance studentengagement, academic outcomes and prepare for digital age. Three research questions weredeveloped in line with the objectives of the study. Descriptive Survey design was adopted forthe study. Survey research design is concerned with obtaining data on a particular feature of agiven population in a systematic manner that the findings are expected to be generalized to theentire population. This design was chosen as the data collected were generalized to the entirepopulation. The Population of the study comprised 3,087 public secondary School and Schoolteachers 21,567 Secondary School. Cronbach was used.
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