The swiftness with which digital technology-driven practices swept across the globe gave aland mark in all spheres of life especially in education assessment. Assessment is a tool ineducation, designed to test, measure knowledge, skills and learner’s attitude for documentation,placement, grading and promotion. Digital technology Assessment is the use of internet,personal computers and tablets, in education practices, though with challenges of insufficientprovision, lack of awareness by different users and its availability for use in schools.Descriptive research design was adopted and anchored on two research questions. Thepopulation of the study is 751 teachers from three education zones of Nnewi (415), Ekwusigo(135) and Ihiala (201). Simple random sampling was used to select 378 teachers. A researcherdesigned instrument titled “Technology-Driven Practices Educational AssessmentQuestionnaire” (TDPEAQ) was duly validated by experts and reliability tested with test-retest,subjected to Cronbach Alpha to yield coefficient of 0.79. Mean was used to answer the researchquestions. The result revealed that computer-based tests are rarely practiced in Anambra Stateschools and recommended that computer-based tests should be aggressively practiced in thesecondary schools in readiness for external examination such as JAMB.
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