The purpose of this study was on Promoting sustainable Health and Safety Practices to preventillnesses in Early Childhood Care and Education Centres in Anambra State. Descriptive surveydesign was used for the study. Two research questions guided the study. The population of thestudy comprised of 3500 care givers in early childhood care and education centres in AnambraState. The sample size for the study was 1500 teachers (500 males and 1000 females) drawnfrom 39 rural and 49 urban areas using multistage sampling procedure. A 50-item structuredquestionnaire was used for data collection which was validated by three experts, two in EarlyChildhood and Primary Education Department and one in Human Kinetics and HealthEducation Department, Faculty of Education, all in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. TheReliability of the instrument was established using Pearson Product Moment CorrelationCoefficient, which yielded 0.81 value. Percentage was used for data analysis. Findings of thestudy among others revealed that majority of existing standard health practices are applied inearly child care and education centres in Anambra State while majority of the existing standardsafety practices are not applied in early child care and education centres in Anambra State.Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that government and EarlyChildhood supervisory and monitoring board should create awareness on the need to imbibeand implement standard safety practices in ECCE centres to improve and harness thedevelopment of children.
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