El acceso a los cuerpos docentes en la Universidad renacentista de Salamanca era mediante votación de los estudiantes. Para intentar evitar irregularidades se pormenoriza todo lo que debían hacer tanto los opositores como los votantes, así como el proceso de las votaciones y las condiciones por las que se consideraban votos nulos. El valor de los votos era por cursos y calidades. Pero a pesar de todo lo legislado, las irregularidades en los procesos de cátedras eran corrientes. El mismo rey tiene que intervenir para atajarlas, pero poco consigue.
The access to the educational bodies in the Renaissance University of Salamanca were filled by means of student voting. To avoid any irregularities, everything to be done, by both the candidates and the voters, was officially set out and described in full detail, as well as the voting process and the conditions in which votes would be considered null and void. The value of the votes depended on courses and qualities. However, despite these regulations irregularities occurred quite frequently in chair processes. The king himself would intervene to put a halt to them, although without much success.
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