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Resumen de Fórmulas rutinarias de rechazo en español y sus equivalencias en alemán

Juan Pablo Larreta Zulategui

  • Although routine formulas are relevant linguistic phenomena in the teaching of foreign languages and bilingual lexicography, contrastive studies in the language pair German-Spanish are almost non-existent, except for the extensive work of Igor Sosa. This contribution intends to analyse contrastively one type of routine formulas: rejection formulas. For this purpose, according to the nature of these units, we establish a tertium comparationis where pragmalinguistic criteria predominate, although supplemented by other factors relating to morphosyntactic and lexical features of the formulas. By means of the contrastive procedure, we first analyse in detail the Spanish units through the established criteria and in a second step we look for the equivalent German units.

    Plan de l'article

    1 Introducción
    2 Las fórmulas rutinarias como objeto de estudio de la fraseología y de las rutinas lingüísticas
    3 Las fórmulas de expresión de rechazo
    4 Criterios de contraste
    5 Extracción y configuración del corpus
    6 Resultados del análisis contrastivo
    7 Conclusiones

Fundación Dialnet

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