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Resumen de Recherche sur les competences induites par les dvp (discussions a visee philosophique) chez les enseignants et les eleves de l’ecole a Balard (zep la mosson, la paillade Montpellier) 2004-2006

Michel Tozzi

  • Our university research concerns the practice of debates with philosophical objectives (DVP) which take place in four urban co-operative pedagogy classes of ZEP (Zone of Educational Priority), along with the Integrated Corrective Course (CRI, a half-time reception class for immigrant pupils) of the school. Let us clearly specify that this research is contextualized, in a particularly innovating medium, and one should be careful to not draw exaggerated generalizations. The research, however, seems to provide us with a certain number of significant elements for the later development of practices, formations and research on this issue. The research was carried out from 2004 to 2006 in the form of a contract with Dafpi (Vice-chancellorship of Montpellier University) in the school A. Balard, whose staff has for several years been institutionally recognized for its innovative practices. For this research we established a research-action methodology, closely associating the practitioners of the classes, a researcher, and students. In this text we present the competences which appear to us to be developed by this activity by teachers in part I, and by pupils in part II. Finally, three remarks are expanded upon: the relation between DVP and religion, DVP and authority, DVP and single class.

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