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Resumen de Asociación de la ingesta de macro y micronutrentes con calidad de vida en adultos mayores

Samuel Durán Agüero, Natalia González Cañete, Francisca Peña d'Ardaillon, Priscila Candia Johns

  • español

    Introducción: la relación entre calidad de vida y nutrientes está cobrando una singular importancia en este grupo etario.

    Objetivo: asociar la ingesta de macro y micronutrientes con la calidad de vida de AM autónomos chilenos.

    Material y métodos: se evaluaron 1.704 adultos mayores (AM) autónomos, de ambos sexos, a quienes se les valoró la calidad de vida a través de la encuesta de Estilo de Vida y Promotor de Salud y de una encuesta sobre Tendencia de Consumo.

    Resultados: el 63,9% de los AM presentaba sobrepeso/obesidad al realizar correlaciones entre calidad de vida y nutrientes; la vitamina A se asoció a mejor manejo de el estrés (r = 0,166; p = 0,001), responsabilidad en salud (0,171;p = 0,001) y ejercicio (r = 0,167; p = 0,001); la vitamina B12 es un factor protector a la hora de tener una buena calidad de vida OR = 0,78 (IC95% 0,67-0,90), en cambio el consumo de bebidas cola OR = 1,92 (IC95% 1,42-2,60), el sobrepeso OR = 1,77(IC95% 1,02-3,06) y ser de sexo masculino OR = 1,62 (IC95%1,27-2,07) son factores de riesgo para la calidad de vida.

    Conclusiones: la ingesta de vitamina A y vitamina B12 son factores protectores para tener una mejor calidad de vida; en cambio, tener sexo masculino, consumir bebidas cola y el sobrepeso son factores de riesgo para la calidad de vida en adultos mayores autónomos.

  • English

    Introduction: the relationship between quality of life life quality and nutrients it is taking a special singular importance in this age group.

    Objective: to determine the association between consumption of the macro and micronutrients with quality of life in elderly living in Santiago.

    Materials and methods: 1,704 autonomous elderly were assessed. Quality of life was measured by a Life style and Health promotion survey and food patterns were evaluated by a food frequency questionnaire. The quality of life and food intake were evaluated by the Survey of Life Style and Health Promoter and the Feeding and Food Survey were answered by 1,704 non-disabled participant of both sex.

    Results: the 63.9 % of the elderly were overweight or /obesity. Perform correlations between quality of life and nutrients consumption were; the vitamin A, which was is associated to better stress management (r = 0.166; p = 0.001), responsibility for health (0.171;p = 0.001) and exercise (r = 0.167; p = 0.001); the vitamin B12 was a protective factor to have a better quality of life OR = 0.78 (IC95% 0.67-0.90). On the other hand, the consumption of cola soft drinks OR = 1.92 (IC95% 1.42-2.60), the overweight OR = 1.77(IC95% 1.02-3.06) and be male OR = 1.62 (IC95%1.27-2.07) were risk factors for quality of life.

    Conclusions: the vitamin A and B12 consumption are protective factors for a better quality of life. Conversely, being a male, consumer cola soft drinks and the overweight are risk factors of quality of life in autonomous independent elderly.

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