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Resumen de Delayed Intermodal Contingency Affects Young Children's Recognition of Their Current Self

Michiko Miyazaki, Kazuo Hiraki

  • This study investigated whether 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds use their video feedback as a reflection of their current state, even when their feedback was presented with a short temporal delay. In Experiment 1, the effects of 1- and 2-s delayed feedback were examined on an analog of the mark test. In the case of live and 1-s delayed feedback, 3-year-olds passed the test; however, they failed in the case of 2-s delayed feedback. Experiment 2 examined the effect of prior experience of delayed contingency and explorative behavior. The results showed a significant effect of prior experience. These results suggest that detection of visual–proprioceptive contingency contributes to recognition of visual feedback as one's current self.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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