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Resumen de La construcción del conocimiento en el proceso de aprender a ser profesor: La visión de los protagonistas

José Luis Medina Moya, María José Pérez Cabrera

  • español

    El presente estudio analiza cómo los estudiantes del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Barcelona construyen, a lo largo de su formación inicial, los conocimientos que después les permitirán ejercer su profesión. El trabajo se articula metodológicamente como un estudio de casos múltiple y utiliza diversidad de estrategias de recogida de información (relatos, grupos de discusión y entrevistas) para dar cabida a los diversos protagonistas de la formación inicial de maestros (estudiantes, profesorado universitario y tutores de centros de prácticas). Después de un exhaustivo proceso de análisis de datos basado en comparaciones constantes con una codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, el estudio muestra la importancia de la variedad de perspectivas y experiencias aportada por un profesorado que, a su vez, se convierte en uno de los elementos nucleares de la formación: la manera como éste se aproxima, vive y transmite el conocimiento determinará el modo como el alumnado se motiva, se interesa, se aproxima y lo adquiere. Así mismo, el aprendizaje aparece desde una vertiente multidimensional y dinámica que va realimentando las entrelazadas esferas ideológica/filosófica, didáctica, científica y competencial. DarlingAbstract:This study explores how students of the Master's Degree in Primary Education at the University of Barcelona, during their initial training, lay the foundations of the knowledge that will later serve them in the practice of their profession. It is structured methodologically as a multiple case study, using a variety of data compilation strategies (accounts, discussion groups and interviews) to incorporate all the different players who form part of the initial training of teachers (students, university teaching staff and tutors at placement centers). After an exhaustive data analysis process, based on constant comparisons with open, axial and selective coding, the study highlights the importance of having a variety of perspectives and experiences provided by teaching staff. This, in turn, becomes a core teaching element: the way teachers approach, experience and transmit their knowledge will determine students’ motivation, interest, approach to and acquisition of said knowledge. Furthermore, learning emerges as a dynamic multidimensional process in which the intertwined ideological/philosophical, educational, competences and scientific spheres are continuously being reinforced.

  • English

    This study explores how students of the Master's Degree in Primary Education at the University of Barcelona, during their initial training, lay the foundations of the knowledge that will later serve them in the practice of their profession. It is structured methodologically as a multiple case study, using a variety of data compilation strategies (accounts, discussion groups and interviews) to incorporate all the different players who form part of the initial training of teachers (students, university teaching staff and tutors at placement centers). After an exhaustive data analysis process, based on constant comparisons with open, axial and selective coding, the study highlights the importance of having a variety of perspectives and experiences provided by teaching staff. This, in turn, becomes a core teaching element: the way teachers approach, experience and transmit their knowledge will determine students’ motivation, interest, approach to and acquisition of said knowledge. Furthermore, learning emerges as a dynamic multidimensional process in which the intertwined ideological/philosophical, educational, competences and scientific spheres are continuously being reinforced.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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