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Resumen de Supporting congregational inclusion for children and youth with disabilities and their families

Erik W. Carter, Thomas L. Boehm, Naomi H. Annandale, Courtney E. Taylor

  • Although considerable attention has focused on the inclusion of young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in school, work, and residential settings, less is known about their involvement in religious activities. This article focuses on supporting the presence and participation of people with disabilities and their families in their faith communities (i.e., congregational inclusion). The authors examined the needs and experiences of these families—as well as the responses of congregations—in a study exploring 433 parents’ views regarding the helpfulness and availability of 14 congregation-provided supports, selected indicators of congregational inclusion, and their associations with various child, family, and congregation factors. Findings from this study inform efforts by congregations and professionals to effectively support the involvement of families and highlight potential areas for future research and practice at the intersection of faith and disability.

Fundación Dialnet

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