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Comparing Classical Water Models Using Molecular Dynamics To Find Bulk Properties

    1. [1] Morningside College

      Morningside College

      City of Sioux City, Estados Unidos

    2. [2] Azusa Pacific University

      Azusa Pacific University

      Estados Unidos

  • Localización: Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 95, Nº 5, 2018, págs. 888-894
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)
  • Resumen
    • A computational chemistry exercise for the undergraduate physical chemistry laboratory is described. In this exercise, students use the molecular dynamics package Amber to generate trajectories of bulk liquid water for 4 different water models (TIP3P, OPC, SPC/E, and TIP4Pew). Students then process the trajectory to calculate structural (radial distribution functions) and dynamic (diffusion coefficients) properties of water that they compare to experimental values and to the other models. On the basis of these comparisons, students are also able to draw conclusions regarding the relative efficacy of these water models at modeling properties of real water.

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