Oihane Fernández Lasarte, Eider Goñi Palacios, Igor Camino Ortiz de Barrón, Miren Aránzazu Zubeldia Echeberria
El ajuste escolar es un factor prioritario a considerar para comprender y dar una respuesta psicoeducativa a los crecientes problemas de fracaso escolar, absentismo y convivencia en las aulas. Por su parte, el autoconcepto juega un papel decisivo en el ajuste del alumnado. Los objetivos de este estudio son analizar la relación entre las dimensiones académica y global del autoconcepto y las escalas del ajuste escolar; examinar las diferencias en el ajuste escolar, así como en el autoconcepto académico y global, según el sexo y la edad del alumnado; y comprobar la capacidad explicativa del dominio académico y global del autoconcepto sobre el ajuste escolar. En el estudio participan 1468 estudiantes entre 12 y 17 años (M= 14.03; D.T.= 1.36), 51% mujeres y 49% hombres. Se emplean la Escala Breve de Ajuste Escolar –EBAE– y el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Dimensional –AUDIM–. El autoconcepto mantiene relaciones significativas con el ajuste escolar. Por otra parte, las mujeres informan de un mayor ajuste escolar y autoconcepto académico verbal, mientras que los hombres perciben un mayor autoconcepto académico matemático y global. Además, el autoconcepto y el ajuste escolar son mayores en la adolescencia temprana que en la adolescencia media. Por último, el autoconcepto académico y global tienen una capacidad predictiva grande-moderada sobre las dimensiones del ajuste escolar, siendo destacable la influencia del autoconcepto académico sobre el rendimiento escolar.
School Adjustment is considered to be an outstanding factor in order to understand and give a pshycoeducational response to the growing problems of academic failure, truancy and cohabitation in the classroom. Self-concept has likewise an essential role in students’adjustment. The aims of this study are to analyse the relationship among Academic and Global dimensions of Self-concept and School Adjustment’s scales; to examine the differences in School Adjustment, as well as in Academic and Global Self-concept, according to the students’gender and age; and to check predictive ability of Academic and Global Self-concept on School Adjustment. 1468 students participated in this studybetween 11 and 17 years of age (M=14.03; SD= 1.36), 51% women and 49% men. The Brief Scale of School Adjustment (EBAE) and the Multidimensional Self-Concept Questionnaire (AUDIM) were implemented. The School Adjustment keeps significant relationships with the Self-concept. Furthermore, women have been considered to have a larger School Adjustment and Academic Self-concept in oral skills, while men perceive better the Mathematic and Global Self-concept. Besides, the Self-concept and the School Adjustment are larger in the early adolescence than in the middle adolescence. Finally, the Academic and Global Self-concept have a high and moderate predictive ability about the School Adjustment’s dimensions, and the Academic Self-concept a remarkable influence regarding the academic achievement.
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