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Resumen de Substratum, adstratum and residual bilingualism in Brussels

Hugo Baetens Beardsmore

  • In order to identify both the nature, quantity and distribution of Dutch origin elements in the speech of different users of French in Brussels the notion of residual bilingualism is introduced to identify community‐shared features which reflect the historical switch of language dominance from preponderantly monoglot Dutch to preponderantly monoglot French. A further distinction is made between elements originating in Dutch but which have been integrated into the French of the community as clear features of residual bilingualism, and interference elements primarily present in the speech of bilinguals. Observations on the operation of code‐switching lead to a refined social classification of the nature of code usage in a bilingual community made up of monoglots, bilinguals and immigrants which provides a clear frame of reference for similar complex bilingual contexts elsewhere.

Fundación Dialnet

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