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Resumen de Exploring dual-processes of iteration in conceptual design

Dylan Moore, Jonathan Sauder, Yan Jin

  • Conceptual design has been modeled as a loop cycling from design entities that stimulate cognitive processes that producedesign operations that in turn generate design entities, continuing iteratively. In order to deepen our understanding of thisiterative process and therefore enhance design training, the cognitive processes of design iteration can be further brokendown in terms of a spectrum of thinking informed by dual-process theory and Cognitive Continuum Theory. Thisspectrum ranges from purely intuitive to purely analytical processes and encompasses a number of modes of thinking inbetween. Built on this framework, we discuss results from mapping cognitive processes from the design realm onto thiscontinuum and observe that some iterative loops stay in the analytical mode, some in the intuitive mode, while othersquickly oscillate back and forth. A relationship between the character of ideas generated and cognitive mode is explored, asmapped by linkography, a visual representation of the connections between design entities in a task. Potentially, ideas thatare generated during analytical loops are more derivative while ideas generated during intuitive loops or intuitive-analytical oscillations are more unique. To conclude, implications for design education based on this analysis areproposed.

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